After the Flood

Helping Ballater and Deeside recover after Storm Frank.

Positive stories of businesses re-establishing following Storm Frank flooding helped those still recovering to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Flooding in Ballater and the wider Deeside area over the festive period devastated many local businesses. Our task was to work with the recovering businesses to secure positive media coverage on a local level to show other struggling commercial organisations that there was light at the end of a long and very dark tunnel for them. Coverage was to be local only so that messages about the recovery process did not merely reinforce the messages that Ballater was ‘closed’ for visitors in the run up to the 2016 summer season.

“New business is a positive step for flood hit village.”
The Press and Journal

“Flood hit business brews up recovery.”
The Evening Express

“Flood hit solicitors to reopen with new team”
The Press and Journal

“The outpouring of help and support following the floods which devastated north east communities has been truly inspiring.”
The Evening Express

“Community bounces back with double celebration”
The Press and Journal